About 2nd Genesis Ministries

Assisting the Church by equipping and igniting Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ with the “least of these”.

2nd Genesis is a 501c3 para ministry that was founded in 2010 as a transition house for men coming out of incarceration, or off the street, and wanting more out of life than what their past had brought. Over the years, we have tried to be open to following the lead of the Holy Spirit. As this ministry has evolved and shifted, our focus as needs were put before us. We served in our first disaster in 2011 in our home county when a Tornado hit only a few miles from our base of operation in White Georgia, and again a few years later in another North Georgia Community.

From that first disaster, we found our place as a cooking unit with mobile equipment, and as the years went on, God provided even more and better equipment to feed in mass. Not only were we cooking in mass quantities, but we are able to redistribute bulk foods all year long to other ministries, churches, and group homes in a 4 state radius, all while serving our local communities with food needs. We had a setback in 2018 when the property that we leased since the beginning was sold, and we became a little like some that we served: we were homeless! After taking an inventory, we concluded that over 80% of the assets were on wheels. We took that as God’s way of pushing us into more of a Great Commission Ministry, Matthew 28:18-20Look over “our ministry” page to see how God has brought together our food work, from a fleshly mode and put it to work as our spiritual road of ministry. We hope that you can see that we are open to the lead of God’s Holy Spirit in the way that we try to serve and not afraid to step out of our comfort zone as we continue our service built on the cornerstone of Christ and Christ alone.

2nd Genesis Ministries, an “Umbrella”.

If we look at the overall picture of 2nd Genesis, it looks a lot like an umbrella.  We are made up of a number of branches or pieces put together.  We are triangles, large at the outside and all coming together at the center, the highest point.  All of the pieces are sewn together to form a large protective cover to shed water and storms.  This cover is strong because of the seams stitched into one piece.  They are different colors and each one covers a small space but depends on all the other spaces to do its job, as well as help support all the other pieces.  But this cover also needs the spring steel spines to support it.  When all of the spines are lifted up it forms a very strong system that can withstand the pressure of the storm.  As long as you are under it, you are afforded protection.  The branches of 2nd Genesis are all sewn together by the blood of Christ.  Like the umbrella, they look different but together they all come together in the center that puts us in God’s will.

The spines are the volunteers who have been tempered by fire into strong followers of Christ to support the covering of the Holy Spirit who lifts us up into a protective covering for people and organizations that we are allowed to serve. You see, without these God ordained volunteers there is a collapse in the overall ministry even though it is brought together by Christ.  We need the frame work (volunteers) to support what God has pieced together.

Our Board Of Directors

John Nutter, President

John Nutter President, John and his wife Joan own Nutter Rod and Reel Service in White Ga. they are members of Grace Baptist in Cartersville where he leads the Senior Adults Sunday School, John has been a part of 2nd Genesis leadership team since 2011, He has served in varies ministries for over 40 years both in the U.S. as well as International. His passion in ministry is to Rescue, Rehabilitate, Inspire, and Release!